Registration is now closed.
Evaluation dataset has been made available to the registered participants.
Registered participants are asked to submit the descriptions and the results of their participating methods before 31 July 2017.
Competition on Historical Book Analysis
Registration is now closed.
Evaluation dataset has been made available to the registered participants.
Registered participants are asked to submit the descriptions and the results of their participating methods before 31 July 2017.
Deadline for registration of iterest is June 1st.
Check for more details.
Fill free to ask questions.
Download and forward the Call For Participation for the ICDAR2017HBA Competition on Historical Book Analysis.
The registration for the ICDAR2017HBA competition is now open.
To register in the challenges of the HBA competition, please see how to participate page and complete the registration form.
The sample dataset of the HBA competition is available for download on the sample dataset page.
The sample dataset of the ICDAR2017HBA competition is available for download on the sample dataset page.
Participants can now adapt their method to input and output formats.
P.S.: Please note that the file sizes are quite large and will require a significant amount of time to download.
We are pleased to announce that the HBA website is up.